What is 420

smoking joint

What is 420 and How It Became The Stoners Holiday

Im a long time recreational smoker, I started smoking in 1985 , yep that long ago lol
I seen some sketchy herb in my day.
Anyways, I have never heard of 420 or figured out what it was all about until later on in the mid to late 90s,
Upon some research heres what I found out:
What is 420
 When did 420 become a stoner thing
Who Started it
How it Started
  Stocking Up for The Holiday

What is 420?
4:20 4/20 is stoner code to sparking up and seshing at 4:20 am/pm and celebrating on Arpil 20th 4/20 .
April 20 has become an international counterculture holiday celebrating and consuming cannabis. Events typically advocate for cannabis legalization. Vivian McPeak , a founder of Seattle’s Hempfest, states that 4/20 is “half celebration and half call to action”
420 festivals have been in held in numerous states across the US including : New York, Boston, San Francisco, Boulder, Colorado and Internationally like Hyde Park in London.

 When Where and How it Became to be the wonderful stoner holiday we all love
420 became a thing in the 1970s by five high school students in San Rafael, California. They called themselves ” The Waldos” They were on search for an abandoned cannabis crop, at harvest time, with a treasure map in hand made by the grower. They called themselves “The Waldos” because their typical hang-out spot “was a wall outside the school”, the five students—Steve , Dave , Jeffrey , Larry , and Mark —designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. They called this plan “4:20: Louis”. After a few failed attempts to find the crop they dropped the Louis and just kept it 420.

A connection to the Waldos appeared in 1998 when a “Waldo” , became a roadie for the Grateful Dead Bassist Phil Lesh and made it that 4:20pm was the time to spark it up!

Other stories about what 420 is and how it came about are that some claimed it referred to a police code for marijuana possession or that it came from Bob Dylan’s “Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35,” with its refrain of “Everybody must get stoned” — 420 being the product of 12 times 35.

Prepare For The Holiday!
Now that weed is legal in most states, its much easier to stock up and celebrate this wonderful stoner holiday .Dispensaries usually offer some sweet deals at the stores.
There are usually some sort of festival, music festival, happening or just hang at your own home with a few “Buds” . Some movie theaters even play Cheech and Chongs movies on that day AND some breweries make 420 beer! i know, riiiight!!! Whichever way you prefer to celebrate 420 just be safe and stay chill and dont forget to puff, puff, pass!!!

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